Fakultät für Architektur und Landschaft Aktivitäten Meldungen
Federica Scaffidi invited as visiting professor at IUAV Venice

Federica Scaffidi invited as visiting professor at IUAV Venice


Federica Scaffidi invited as visiting professor at IUAV Venice

Dr. Federica Scaffidi (LUH Territorial Design and Urban Planning) is invited as visting professor at IUAV Venice. As part of the Ir.Ide research infrastructure of the Department of Excellence in Design Cultures, scholars from foreign universities and research centres are invited as visiting professors every year. The research activities are complemented by seminar activities and the dissemination of ongoing research work. Dr Federica Scaffidi developed her visiting with lectures at the Faculty of Architecture of Iuav and at the U-Rise Master "Urban Regeneration and Social Innovation", and by doing field research in Veneto.

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