The Future of Creative Cities
International Workshop Hannover – Bogotá
Much more than music at the Fête de la musique every 21 June: Hannover since 2015 is a UNESCO Creative City of Music. Definitely, music is a strongpoint of Hannover, with enormous cultural and economic potential: for innovation and excellence in the whole sector of creative and cultural industries and beyond—and for the image and attractivity of the city. The workshop “The Future of Creative Cities” asks about perspectives for a platform and network of creativity and for the role of music for society, economy, its visibility and accessibility—and for the space of the city and its strategies for the future.
The international workshop “The Future of Creative Cities” from 24 June to 2 July 2022 is organised in a cooperation between the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape of Leibniz Universität Hannover with the new Faculty of Creative Studies of Universidad del Rosario in Bogotá; directed by Alissa Diesch (LUH) and Alma Sarmiento (Rosario).
68 students, artists, and creatives from 17 universities, 5 countries, 3 continents are participating. 15 international researchers, lecturers and experts are contributing to the workshop activities in research and teaching.
The workshop brings Hannover together with Bogotá, a City of Music in the Global South, Hannover and Bogotá, linked by the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, in order to explore the potential that creative cities have for urban transformation. The dynamic music scenes in both cities are understood as cultural resources for the future and a paradigm for an innovative and cosmopolitan urban environment. Hence, culture is seen as a driving force for new pathways in understanding and creating the urban space. Creative industries comprising traditional and new disciplines are a growing economic sector. This field is an emerging sector of employment; however, the spill over effects of cultural and creative industries play an important role for societal cohesion and can be a fruitful trigger for urban regeneration and development. Culture based urbanism understands places of cultural and creative production and expression on the one hand as indicators of urban transformation, on the other hand these sites can be catalysts for new urban projects. Concrete places of creation and encounter, connected through networks reacting to emerging challenges and needs can actively shape new spaces, services and products. To analyse and understand the sites of cultural and creative production and exchange in the cities, mappings are a methodology to represent spatial relations. Artistic concepts and approaches in the cartographic process can reveal aspects and connections that are not covered by conventional maps.
Public kick-off
The kick-off of the workshop is public and accessible online at:
Friday 24 June 2022
15–17:00 Hannover / 08–10:00 Bogotá
Alissa Diesch (Leibniz Universität Hannover, Territorial Design and Urban Planning),
Alma Sarmiento (Universidad del Rosario).
Introduction to the UNESCO Creative Cites:
Alice Moser (Culture office, City of Hannover): Hannover Creative City of Music,
Margarita Díaz Casas (FUGA): Bogotá Creative City of Music.
Faculties’ addresses:
Prof. Juan Pablo Aschner, Founding Dean of the new Faculty of Creative Studies (Universidad del Rosario),
Prof. Jörg Schröder, Dean for Research of the Faculty of Architecture and Landscape (Leibniz Universität Hannover).
Teaching and research: Riccarda Cappeller and Federica Scaffidi (LUH), Martina Massari (University of Bologna), Diego Silva and Antonio Sánchez (Rosario), María Carrizosa (New York), Santiago Reyes Villaveces, Alex de las Heras, and Roberto Uribe-Castro (Berlin).